
Course Information

: NAT Virtual Goaltending Bronze
: Goaltending Bronze
: National Office
: 1
: 18
: $55.00
: $0.00
: $0.00
: 2 Day(s)
: 10-24-2023 07:00 PM : 10:00 PM (Eastern)
: 11-28-2023 07:00 PM : 10:00 PM (Eastern)
Rick Murray
Steve Thompson
Eric Woodbeck
Stephanie Yates
: N/A

The Bronze Goaltending Coach Education Course is the first step in the USA Hockey Goaltending Accreditation process and is welcome to all hockey coaches who are looking to better support their goaltenders in practice and in games. In order to be eligible to attend this course you must have already taken your level 1 coaching certification. You may only take one goaltending course per calendar year and no refunds will be made available if for any reason you can no longer attend the classes. 


This is a 2 part course that requires coaches to attend both online 3 hour classes as well as submit their homework between classes in order to receive credit. This course is worth all 5 continuing education credits.  


Class 1

Tuesday October 24th

7pm-10pm Eastern Time

Class 1 Topics

Fundamentals of Goaltending

Age Appropriate Training for Goaltenders

Drill Design For Goaltenders


Homework After Class 1

Design and sumbit your own goalie drill


Class 2

Tuesday November 28th

7pm-10pm Eastern Time

Class Two Topics

Drill Design Homework Review

Goaltending Equipment 101

Goaltending Recruitment and Retention

Registration for the course NAT Virtual Goaltending Bronze is closed.